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How to Connect PS3 Controller to PC:
There are several ways to connect your PS3 controller to your PC. The first is through a USB charging cable.
Connect one end of the cable to the computer’s large USB port and the other to the controller’s narrow USB port.
Once the controller is connected, press the “PS” button to turn it on. The positioning of the USB port on your computer varies, so make sure you know which port is available. Some computer models also require you to install special dongle drivers.
Bluetooth Connect PS3 controller to PC:
Bluetooth synchronization allows you to use your PS3 controller to control your PC. However, you will need a Bluetooth dongle if your computer does not have built-in Bluetooth. Some Bluetooth dongles will give you a better connection than your laptop’s stock Bluetooth.
After downloading and installing the ScpToolkit, run the program and plug in your controller. Once the application has finished installing, you can use your controller wirelessly.
The PS3 controller will be recognized by the Windows 10 PC after you have connected it via Bluetooth.
It may not detect at first, but you can try plugging and unplugging it a few times until it detects. If you have trouble detecting your controller, you can manually check whether it is connected to your PC.
The Bluetooth PS3 controller is compatible with a wide range of devices, including Android and iOS devices.
You can also use it on laptops or PCs running Windows 7/8/10. The controller has a built-in vibration motor, which enhances your gaming experience.
Mini USB cable Connect PS3 controller to PC:
If you have a PlayStation 3 controller, you can connect it to your computer using a Mini USB cable. You can purchase one from an electronics store or online.
If you want to use a wireless connection, you can also purchase a Bluetooth dongle. Just remember to turn your PlayStation 3 off first.
The first step is to connect the Mini USB cable to your PC. The cable should come with a USB-A connector on the PC end. There are also USB-C cables available on Amazon.
Once connected, Windows should start installing initial drivers. You may need to wait a few seconds before you can confirm the connection.
You can also connect your DualShock 3 to your PC without the USB cable. However, to do this, you should first sync the controller with your PC. To do this, you can right-click the controller and select Properties.
Once the device is connected, the three LED lights will stop blinking and the fourth LED will glow solid.
If you have a PlayStation 3 controller and would like to use it to play PS3 games on your PC, you can connect it to the PC using a USB stick or Bluetooth adapter.

The software required to connect the PS3 controller to your PC is called MotioninJoy DS3. The DS3 tool can be downloaded from the MotioninJoy website.
This software is designed to work with both Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 controllers. However, some games only support Xbox 360 controllers, including popular first-person shooters. Fortunately, MotioninJoy DS3 has an Xbox 360 controller emulator profile.
The software is free to download and install on your computer. You’ll also need a PlayStation 3 controller, a USB cable, and a mini USB charger. The USB cable is used to charge the controller and connect the controller to your PC.
SCP Toolkit:
Before connecting a PS3 controller to a PC, you will need to install the SCP Toolkit. This utility will install drivers for the PlayStation 3 controller and the Dualshock 3 controller.
If you’re using a PlayStation 3 controller, you must also install the driver for your device’s Bluetooth.
Once you have installed the driver, you can then connect your controller to the PC. The SCP Toolkit has a settings manager where you can change the calibration settings. To do this, simply right-click on the device and select Properties. Afterward, you’ll see the PS3 controller status and calibration settings.
After downloading the ScpToolkit, you can install it onto your PC. This program comes with a Bluetooth adapter that lets you connect your PS3 controller wirelessly to your PC. You can also install drivers for your PS3 and PS4 controllers via this utility.
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