
How To Connect Pokemon Go Plus Plus

How To Connect Pokemon Go Plus Plus To Your Phone?

How To Connect Pokemon Go Plus Plus? The Pokemon Go Plus Plus and Poke Ball Plus are devices that connect to your smartphone to let you interact with your game hands-free. They flash with colors and buzz to alert you of in-game events, like finding a Pokemon or spinning a PokeStop.

Sometimes, the devices can become unresponsive. If this happens, removing the device and reconnecting can help resolve the issue.

1. Open the Pokemon GO app:

Pokemon Go Plus is a fun accessory that makes playing the game more hands-free. It lets you throw Poke Balls and spin Pokestops without looking at your phone, making it easier to catch Pokemon and collect items. But how exactly do you connect the device to your Phone? It’s more simple than you might think.

The first step is to make sure you have the latest version of the Pokemon Go app. You can do this by tapping the square icon on the bottom right corner of your screen, or by going to the home screen or app drawer and launching the app. Then, tap Update is available to download the most recent version of the app.

After updating the app, make sure your Pokemon Go Plus has a full battery and is close to your phone. It’s also important to ensure that there are no other devices near the Pokemon Go Plus that emit radio waves.

If you are having trouble connecting your Pokemon Go Plus, try performing a hard reset on the device by holding down the main button for over five seconds until it turns solid blue. You can then pair it with your phone again using the Pokemon Go Plus Settings menu.

2. Tap the Main Button:

First, make sure your Pokemon GO Plus device is charged. You can check the status by tapping its main button, which should light up green and give you a few long buzzes. This means the device is connected to your smartphone and ready to use.

Now, open the Pokemon GO app and go to Map View. Tap the Main Menu button in the top right corner of the screen, and then tap the Settings button. This will cause the app to search for compatible devices. After a few seconds, your Pokemon Go Plus device should appear under Available Devices. Tap it to connect the accessory to your phone. Once it is connected, you can start tracking your sleep and earning rewards.

The main function of the Pokemon GO Plus is to help you catch Pokemon and collect candies with your buddy. In addition to catching Pokemon, you can also use it as a sleep tracker by pressing its main button. The device will vibrate when a Pokémon is nearby, and you can press the button again to throw a Pokeball at it.


When your Pokemon GO Plus device starts recording your sleep, its indicator light will flash multicolored and play a lullaby. If you want to stop recording your sleep, you can do so by pressing the main button again. If the indicator light flashes red, it means that there was a problem with the recorded data.

3. Press the Quick-Reconnect Mode button:

Pokemon GO Plus was designed to let you play Niantic’s popular augmented reality geolocation game hands-free. The device can automatically spin PokeStops, throw Poke Balls for you, and catch Pokemon without you having to look at your phone. The device also has a button that lets you capture certain Pokemon with a simple press.

The Pokemon GO Plus Plus connects to the app via Bluetooth connectivity, which is why you need a compatible smartphone to use it. The app has a step-by-step process for connecting the accessory, and the company has published a troubleshooting guide in case you run into problems with the connection.

You can try restarting the Pokemon GO app and closing any other apps that are using Bluetooth. You can also try turning the device on and off and making sure it’s close enough to your smartphone. If you’re still having issues, you can try unpairing and re-pairing the device with the app.

Keep in mind that software updates for both your smartphone and the Pokemon GO app can affect connectivity, so make sure you’re running the latest versions of both. The same applies to any third-party applications that may be running in the background. If all else fails, you can contact the Pokemon GO support team for further assistance with your issue.

4. Tap the Accessory Icon:

The Pokemon GO Plus is a wearable device that makes playing Pokemon GO much easier by allowing you to track your steps, collect items from PokeStops, and catch Pokemon without having to use your phone or look at your screen. It also gives you a chance to save battery power since the app doesn’t need to be open.

When you first connect the Pokemon GO Plus to your smartphone, it will automatically pair and connect so you can start using it right away. If you want to disconnect it and end your play session, tap the icon on Map View. You can repair it later by following these instructions.

If you have trouble connecting your Pokemon GO Plus to your smartphone, try resetting the device by pressing and holding its button for about 5 seconds until it lights up solid blue and vibrates. Alternatively, you can try force-closing the app and reopening it along with pressing the button on your Pokemon Go Plus to reestablish a connection.

If you still can’t connect your Pokemon Go Plus to your smartphone, please try restarting the app and moving it away from other devices that emit radio waves such as cordless phones and microwave ovens. You may need to perform a factory reset on your Pokemon Go Plus + if you continue having problems.

Rasheed Alam

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