If you have a mobile phone and a laptop, there are a couple of ways that you can use your smartphone as a Wi-Fi hotspot. There are two types of tethering, one via USB and the other via Bluetooth.
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How to Connect Internet From Mobile to Laptop USB tethering:
If you want to share the internet from your mobile to your laptop, you can use a USB tethering method. This will allow you to do so without having to go through the trouble of using Wi-Fi.
First, you’ll need to turn on the USB tethering function in your phone’s settings. You’ll need to do this by going to the Connections and Sharing tab.
Next, you’ll want to check your phone’s network and signal strength. It’s also important to make sure you have a tethering plan that is compatible with your carrier. Depending on your cell provider, you may need to pay for an additional service to tether your phone to your laptop.
Once you have a working data cable, you’re ready to start connecting to the Internet. The tethering feature will work with a PC or laptop that has access to a wireless or wired network.
If you’re using a Windows PC, you’ll need to download a special driver. These drivers will make your phone’s mobile modem work with your PC.
Bluetooth tethering:
If you have a laptop or a mobile phone and you want to share your Internet connection, you can do so by using Bluetooth tethering. You can use it to browse the web, download files, and even make calls.
Before you start tethering, you need to connect your phone or laptop to your PC’s Wi-Fi network. Your PC should have a Bluetooth device and it should be turned on. The computer must be able to discover other devices in the area.
If you don’t have a PC, you can tether your smartphone with a USB cable. This is a fast and convenient method, but it uses more battery power.
Bluetooth tethering is also available for laptops that don’t have Wi-Fi. To do this, you’ll need to enable the Bluetooth menu on your PC. In your Windows 7 system, you’ll see a list of Bluetooth devices. Select the “Access point” option from the drop-down menu.
Once you’ve enabled the Bluetooth menu, you’ll have the choice of connecting to the Internet or tethering to another device. For the former, you’ll need to enter the password for your wireless provider. When the other device tries to connect, it will be prompted with a pairing code.
How to Connect Internet From Mobile to Laptop tethering:
If you want to share the internet from mobile to laptop, you can try Wi-Fi tethering. This process allows you to use the data allotment of your mobile phone plan on your computer. However, you have to keep in mind that it can affect the battery of your smartphone.
There are two different ways to use tethering: using your smartphone’s Wi-Fi network or a USB cable. Both methods are quick and easy, but your computer needs to have access to the Internet to make it work.

First, you need to go to your Android device’s Settings app. You will likely see a gear-shaped icon. Tap on this to open the settings menu. Next, find the Wireless & Networks section.
If your smartphone has a USB port, you can also tether your phone to your PC. Some phones allow this, but you have to turn on the tethering function first. Depending on the type of mobile, you may need to add a password to your phone before you can tether it.
Turn your smartphone into a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot:
If you’re looking for a way to get connected to the Internet from your laptop, you can turn your smartphone into a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot.
While it’s a convenient way to get online, the process uses a lot of power and can drain your phone’s battery. The steps involved vary depending on the device you use.
Most smartphone models allow you to set up a personal hot spot. This means that you can use the Internet without having to worry about data plans. Other devices, such as tablets, can also be turned into a mobile hotspot.
To start using your smartphone as a mobile hotspot, open the Settings menu on the device. Then, go to Wireless & networks, then tap Wi-Fi settings.
Alternatively, you can search for nearby wireless networks. Once you have found one that you’re interested in, enter its password and connect.
After you have successfully connected to the hotspot, you can change its password or turn off the feature. You can even share the password with other people. However, you should test the connection before you use it.
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