
How To Connect Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 To iPhone

How To Connect Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 To iPhone?

How To connect Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 To Iphone? Samsung’s new Galaxy Watch 4 and Watch 4 Classic are compatible with iPhones. They run Wear OS and support most of its core functions.

But if you want to take calls on your smartwatch, the phone needs to be paired first. Here’s how to do it. The process is fairly simple and quick.

1. How to do it?

The app will then scan for nearby devices and prompt you to enter the pairing code displayed on your screen. Once your Galaxy Watch is paired, the app will notify you of its successful connection with your phone.

If you’re prompted to back up your watch, follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process. You may also have to enable Bluetooth on your iPhone in order to pair your phone with your Galaxy Watch. Once your watch to you can route app notifications and text messages from your phone to it and receive from the iPhone.

2. Turn on your watch:

Samsung’s Galaxy Watch series has some impressive features, but Apple users might be disappointed to learn the new models.

To get started, make sure your phone and watch are both powered on and have Bluetooth enabled. You’ll also need to have the Galaxy Wearable app installed on your phone, which you can download from the Play Store or App Store, depending on which platform you use. Once you’ve got the app, follow the prompts to set up your watch.

Once your watch is connected to the app, you can check notifications, read and respond to messages, and more right on your wrist. If you have an LTE model, you can even place calls using the watch itself, or let your paired phone take over and act as a speakerphone.

You can also use the Galaxy Wearable app to send music files to your watch, which is handy if you don’t have enough storage space on your phone for all the tracks you want. Just be careful not to transfer any apps that aren’t useful because they may drain your battery, as well as your data plan if you have one.

3. Open the Galaxy Wearable app:

Samsung has a great companion app for the Galaxy Watch called Galaxy Wearable. It works on any iPhone and is pretty straightforward to set up. The app lets you do almost all of the same things that the watch can do. This includes making and receiving phone calls, notifications from apps, fitness and sleep tracking, and more. It also includes Samsung’s own AI, Bixby, which can answer basic questions and do simple tasks for you.

Once you open the Galaxy Wearable app, it will search for your watch and begin to pair with it. You’ll need to agree to the terms and conditions and review permissions to complete this process. The app will ask if it can use your location, which is a feature that you need to enable for the phone to work correctly with your Galaxy Watch. You can also deny this if you’d like.

Once the connection is complete, you’ll need to choose a new password for your watch. Once you’ve done that, you can start using your Galaxy Watch with your iPhone. The only thing that you won’t be able to do is send emails through your watch, since the Galaxy Watch doesn’t have an email app. However, you can still send and receive texts and reminders. You can also adjust the watch’s settings and customize your watch face from this app, if you’d like.

4. Pair your watch:

Samsung’s Wear OS isn’t the most tightly integrated with iPhones, and some features, including a stress calculator based on the heart rate monitor and an ECG feature that will be available in the future, require the phone to have Google Mobile Services. That means that the Galaxy Watch 4 series and the older Galaxy Watch Classic won’t work with iPhones, although they will still work with Android phones.

When paired with an iPhone, a Galaxy Watch automatically routes text messages and app notifications to the device, though you won’t be able to reply using the smartwatch, not even with an emoticon or a preset. It’s possible to manually run a pairing round from the Galaxy Wearable app on an iPhone to enable this functionality, but that process requires you to grant full access to your phone.

The Samsung Gear app lets you download apps to your phone that will work with your watch. such as Samsung Health and Samsung Find My Gear, which is useful if you lose the smartwatch. You’ll also be able to sync data like contacts, messages and music between your phone and the Galaxy Watch. If you encounter any problems while trying to connect your watch to an iPhone, try restarting both the iPhone and the Galaxy Watch or contact Samsung for support.

Rasheed Alam

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