
How To Connect Toniebox To WiFi

How To Connect Toniebox To WiFi?

How To Connect Toniebox To WiFi? Once the connection with your Toniebox is established, a new button will appear. Click it to move forward.

Choose your home 2.4GHz WiFi and enter your WiFi password.

When the Toniebox is connected to your WiFi, its status LED will flash blue. Once the content is fully downloaded, it will switch to a solid green light.

1. Turn on the Toniebox:

To begin, ensure that the Toniebox is in connection mode (the LED will blink blue). Then pinch both ears until you hear an audio chime and the LED starts to flash blue. This will start the WiFi connection process. During this step, the Toniebox will attempt to connect to a specific WiFi network that is compatible with it. This is different from your regular home WiFi network and will be listed as something like ‘MyNetwork 2.4’ or ‘MyNetwork 5.0’.

Once the Toniebox is connected to a 2.4GHz WiFi, you will see a screen that says ‘Congratulations! You are a Tonie hero’. Then you can proceed with connecting the Toniebox to your smartphone and downloading content.

Occasionally, you may encounter problems connecting the Toniebox to WiFi. If this happens, you can try restarting the router. This will reset the connection Settings and is usually enough to resolve the issue. If this doesn’t work, please contact us for further support. Once the Toniebox is connected to WiFi, you can place a creative Tonie on top and watch it tell you a story!

2. Select a 2.4GHz WiFi:

If you’re having trouble connecting your Toniebox to WiFi, the first thing you should try is changing your wireless network’s encryption. This will ensure that 2.4GHz WiFi is available for you to use with your Toniebox.

You may also want to try changing the WiFi channel on your router. This will help you find a less-crowded WiFi channel and improve your network performance.

Some routers have a setting called “Band Steering” which prioritizes the 5GHz band over the 2.4GHz band. This feature can cause problems for some Devices, including the Toniebox. If you’re having trouble connecting to your WiFi, you can try disabling this feature on your router.

Once you’ve done that, you can connect your smartphone to the 2.4GHz WiFi. The process for doing this will vary depending on your smartphone. For example, on iPhones, you’ll need to tap the WiFi icon in your taskbar and select the 2.4GHz network from the list of available networks. You’ll then need to enter your WiFi password. Once you’ve entered your password, tap ‘Continue’. Then the Toniebox will attempt to connect to your smartphone.

3. Enter your WiFi password:

Once you have selected your 2.4GHz WiFi network, the next step is to enter your WiFi password. This is the same password you use to connect other devices like computers, smartphones, and smart TVs to your home Wi-Fi network. If you are unsure of the password, tap on the eye icon to view the password and ensure that it is correct (capitalization and spelling are important).


The Toniebox will then begin establishing a connection with your WiFi. This can take a minute or two. Once it is connected, the status LED will change from flashing blue to a solid green. You will also hear several audio chimes as the Toniebox downloads content.

Note: The Toniebox can only connect to 2.4GHz WiFi networks. It cannot connect to 5GHz WiFi networks or networks with WEP encryption. Additionally, the Toniebox will not be able to connect to open Wi-Fi networks, such as those used in public areas.

Many routers produce both a 2.4GHz and 5GHz connection, which are typically displayed with different WiFi network names (e.g. ‘MyNetwork 2.4G’ and ‘MyNetwork 5G’). If you are unable to see these separate connections, please check your router settings to allow for these to be separated.

4. Allow the Toniebox to connect to your smartphone:

The Toniebox will attempt to connect to your smartphone and ask you for permission. This is a normal part of the WiFi setup process and it should be allowed. You can see a different message depending on whether you are using an iPhone or Android phone. If you are using a mobile hotspot, you should use another device like a tablet or computer to walk through the setup process so that it does not use your phone’s data volume.

Once you allow the Toniebox to connect to your Phone, it will show a confirmation message that it is connected to your WiFi. You should then reconnect the Toniebox to your home network and follow the instructions in the Mytonies app to download content and start playing!

The Toniebox provides hours of fun for the whole family and has been proven to be used 148 times more than any other toy. If you are looking for a great Christmas gift, the Toniebox is an excellent choice! It also makes a perfect gift for babies, toddlers, and children of all ages.

5. Wait for the Toniebox to connect:

The Toniebox will now attempt to connect to your WiFi. This may take a minute or two and you might hear several audio chimes while this is happening.

Once the connection is complete, a welcome message will appear and the Toniebox LED will turn solid green. You will also be able to see a status indicator on the app that tells you whether your Toniebox is connected or disconnected.

If you encounter any problems while connecting your Toniebox to the WiFi, please restart your router and try again. This will help ensure that the router is working properly and that the 2.4GHz WiFi is activated.

Once you’ve finished, place a Tonie on top of the Toniebox and it will immediately begin playing the content associated with that Tonie (for store-bought Tonies, this will be the related audio story; for Creative Tonies, this will be whatever music or sound effects you’ve uploaded using the app). This is similar to how your children’s toys-to-life figures like Skylanders or Disney Infinity work, so it should feel pretty familiar!

Rasheed Alam

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