The Internet is a powerful tool that lets us access all kinds of information at the click of a button. However, if you don’t have a wireless network at home or office, you may not be able to use it.
Fortunately, it’s not as difficult as it may seem to connect to a network. You can either use a Wi-Fi connection or an Ethernet cable, depending on your computer’s setup.
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Connecting to a Wi-Fi Network:
Wi-Fi is a type of wireless networking technology that allows computers and other devices to connect to the Internet.
It is commonly used in homes, businesses, and other environments where it’s convenient to share data and devices.
Wi-Fi can be configured to operate in a variety of ways. It can be either a personal area network (LAN) or a wide area network (WAN).
A LAN is typically a small, local network that connects individual devices within a home, office, or other location. A WAN, on the other hand, is a vast area network that connects a large number of devices in a single area.
A Wi-Fi network has a unique identity, called an SSID, that identifies it to other devices. Most networks broadcast this SSID so that any device in range can find it.
Connecting to a Local Area Network (LAN):
A LAN is a network of computers and other devices that share an Internet connection. These networks can be as small as two connected computers in a private home, or they can be thousands of devices in a large corporate office.
LANs are commonly used to share printers, files, and other data. They also enable Internet sharing and software sharing among the workstations that are part of the network.
Once you have all the hardware necessary for a LAN, it’s time to set it up. First, find a convenient but safe location for the Ethernet hub.
Next, run the cable from the NIC in each computer to the Ethernet hub. Ensure that the wires are out of reach of any users who will need to physically access each computer in the network.
Lastly, assign a unique hostname to each of the computers in the LAN. This will make it easier to locate computers in the future, especially if you need to update any of the systems.
Connecting to a Home Network:
A home network connects several computers or devices in your home to the Internet. It can be useful for sharing files, printers, and software, as well as for gaming.
Often, the network is made up of two main types: wired and wireless. Wired connections use cables (usually ethernet cables) to connect devices.
Wireless networks, on the other hand, rely on radio waves transmitted through the air to reach devices.

They’re ideal for mobile devices and a variety of smart home gadgets like IP cameras, voice assistants, connected appliances, and more.
The central device of a home network is the router, which manages traffic on the local area network (LAN) and connects to the Internet.
It also has a network switch and a firewall that helps protect the network from viruses, spyware, and other threats.
Connecting to a Public Network:
Public networks are a great way to access the internet and stay connected with friends, family, and businesses. However, it is important to use caution when connecting to these networks.
Often, public networks are not secure and can be used by hackers to intercept your information. To avoid this, try to connect to familiar networks or a known network from a reliable source when possible.
Private networks are also used in some critical infrastructure settings where highly sensitive data needs to be shared among devices.
These networks usually support discovery features and can be configured to share any files or peripherals on the system.
When you connect to a public network, Windows automatically assumes that the network is not a private network and will apply more restrictions to the connection. This can make accessing sensitive data and content on a device difficult.
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