
How To Connect Two Computers Wirelessly

How To Connect Two Computers Wirelessly?

How To Connect Two Computers Wirelessly? Many people may need to connect two computers wirelessly for various reasons. It could be a work-related reason or even a personal one like sharing files with a friend.

Thankfully, there are several ways to do this, including the use of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and InfraRed connectivity. In this article, we will look at some of the easiest ways to connect two computers wirelessly.

Features Of Connect Two Computers Wirelessly

  • The conventional way of networking computers requires connecting them with a single cable. Depending on the type of network, this may involve an Ethernet crossover cable (or a null modem serial or parallel peripheral cable for older PCs), a network adapter card with an internal ethernet jack in each computer, or special-purpose USB cables. Newer laptops and desktop PCs typically connect wirelessly through a WiFi network or with Bluetooth, which uses radio waves for communication between devices.
  • For PCs without built-in WiFi capabilities, you can use a wireless router to create a temporary ad hoc network. Most modern wireless routers support this connection, and you’ll be able to transfer files between the two machines without the need for a physical cable.
  • If you want to connect two computers wirelessly and permanently, the easiest solution is to purchase a wireless router with built-in WiFi capability. This will allow both computers to access the Internet through the same connection, and it will also allow you to share a printer and other devices on the same network.
  • Another option is to purchase a wireless USB 2.0 to USB 3.0 bridge adapter, which will let you connect two computers with a single cable that will work with most modern laptops and PCs. These adapters are inexpensive and easy to set up, but they will only provide data transfer rates that are significantly below those of a wired Ethernet connection.


Many newer computers come with built-in Wi-Fi networking capability. Wi-Fi connections offer a more reliable and higher speed option than their cabled counterparts, and they are easy to use for networking between two computers. You can also connect two computers using Bluetooth technology, but this method is less reliable and requires the devices to be close together.

Alternatively, you can directly connect two computers with an Ethernet crossover cable. This works well for older systems that do not have wireless capabilities, or if you want to be sure that your network connection is as fast as possible.

In Windows, you can set up a wireless ad hoc network between two computers using the Control Panel. You will need to enter a name, select a security type, and create a password. Once you have created the ad hoc network, you can connect the other computer to it by selecting the new network from the list of available networks and providing the network passphrase.

In Mac OS, you can share files between two computers wirelessly by using a program called Feem. Feem is free to download and is compatible with all versions of the Mac OS. Once you have installed the application, you can transfer files between the two computers by clicking on them in Feem and then dragging them to the other computer.


When it comes to connecting computers wirelessly, there are multiple options available. You can use Bluetooth, cable, Wi-Fi, infrared, or remote support software. These methods allow you to share files, printers, and screens between two computers. However, each option has its own set of pros and cons.

The first method is to connect two computers using a USB cable. This is the most common way to connect computers. Simply plug the cable into the respective ports on each computer. This method is ideal for transferring large files between two computers. The downside is that it is not very fast.


You can also connect two computers with Bluetooth. This technology uses low-bandwidth transmission to communicate between devices. It can be used to transfer files between computers or to sync contacts and address books. It can also be used to connect a laptop to a keyboard or mouse.

To connect two computers with Bluetooth, first, make sure both computers are turned on and paired. On the first computer, click the action center icon in the taskbar and select “Bluetooth”. On the second computer, open the Settings menu and then move to Devices – Bluetooth & other devices — and then scroll down and select “Send or receive files via Bluetooth”. You can then follow the on-screen instructions to pair the computers.


There are several methods available for connecting two computers wirelessly. Ethernet cables work best, but Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connections are also possible. If one computer does not have an ethernet port, you can use a USB-to-USB data transfer cable to connect the computers. Alternatively, you can set up an ad-hoc wireless network or use a portable router to create a temporary WiFi connection.

You can use infrared networking to connect two computers if they both support the technology. This method is relatively fast, easy to set up, and does not require a router. This option is good for short-term connections and can be used on both Macs and Windows computers.

Infrared networking was popular on laptops before Wi-Fi or Bluetooth became widespread. You can still find infrared networking software for older laptops and desktop PCs, though it is not as common as more modern programs.

If your computers are running the same version of Windows, you can create a temporary ad-hoc wireless network using the built-in ad hoc mode feature. In the Command Prompt, type netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=adhoc key=password and follow the prompts to configure your network. This will allow your computers to communicate with each other over a direct link, but the range of this network is limited by the capabilities of the individual wireless adapters.

Ethernet Cable

One of the most reliable ways to connect two computers is to use an Ethernet cable. This method is great for sharing files, printers, and other resources between computers. It also allows for a more secure connection than other methods, such as Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. However, this method does require two computers with functioning Ethernet network adapters.

First, plug the end of the Ethernet cable into one of the computer’s network adapters. Then, plug the other end of the cable into the network adapter on the other computer.

Ideally, you should use an Ethernet cable with a Category 5 (or higher) rating. This type of cable can handle up to 1Gbps, which is enough for most applications. You should also avoid using older, lower-rated cables, as these may cause problems with your network.

Once both computers are connected to the same network, you can access shared files and folders on either computer. To do this, log in to one of the computers and click Start. Then, click Network and Internet.

Click Change advanced sharing settings under “Network Discovery and File and Printer Sharing.” Select the option to share your computer’s printer, music library, pictures, documents, and other items with the other computer. Click OK. Click Connect to finish connecting the computers. You can then open Finder on the other computer and navigate to the folders you want to view.


Connecting two computers wirelessly is a common task that people need to do from time to time. This could be for many reasons: Co-workers need to share files for a project, family members want to link their devices, or even friends might need to play a new online casino 2021 game together. Regardless of the reason, connecting computers wirelessly can be done quickly and easily with the right hardware and software. In this article, we will look at the different methods of connecting computers wirelessly and some things to keep in mind when doing so.

Rasheed Alam

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